As far as flyin' high and makin' changes.. see for yourself:
I JUST (today, 5 min ago) decided to unpack my 2nd tote of summer clothes....
Yeah, he got BIG and I got SMALL.
I mean, my face is half the size it was, LOL. My nose is getting bigger because my face is getting so small. Blows my mind.
So,what have I been doing for the past two months? A LOT.
I completed Phase 1 of Ashley Horner's (now Cline, congrats!) Recreating You program (a months worth):
I then hired a virtual running coach named Laura Peifer. Her blog is:
I had a REALLY bad 9 mile run back a few weeks ago. I reached out to a number of running coaches and I liked what she had to say. Basically I was treating every run as a race and was not really paying attention to my pace. She mapped out a plan for me knowing what my goals (and secret goals) are for the Marine Corps Marathon in October.
Since then I have ran another half marathon:
and Spartan Sprint:
I shaved time off of my last Spartan Sprint and Half Marathon. Ahh-mazing.
Basically I have been working and training.
I also turned 30. Yeah, that happened. The boyfriend took me to Ithaca, NY for a short vacation of hiking, running and a little bit of wine tasting. Neither of us really consume alcohol due to training and leading a healthier lifestyle, so that was different.
It really is weird all of the changes that I have experienced in the past 10 years. Apparently, my 20s were meant for growth, change, tears, heartache, sadness, confusion and ... GROWTH. 10 YEARS ago if you told me I wouldn't be eating at Jack's twice a week, drinking maybe 3 times a month, that I would weigh 40 lbs less, and be training for a marathon... I would have laughed at you... and said, "pshh, yeah, okay, no thanks."
I wish someone would have told me what I know now. It would have sparred me a few stretch marks (most of my stretch marks came from weight gain due to poor eating habits, little to do with growing two beautiful babies). ...which I guess helped reduce stretch marks while pregnant? err, not. I dunno. I don't care about them. They don't bother me. I can run up a flight of stairs and chase after my kids without dying... do you REALLY think stretch marks phase me?
Anywho... I'm continuing to make changes, fight my battle with my mind that I can't do this, over-power my anxieties and continue this thing we call Life.
I can happily report that I love life. Something else I would not have said years ago or even just a few years ago. It took me awhile to find myself. But here I am... and I'm not going anywhere.