Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Soooo, when does something become a habit?

Habits are hard to break... so I've heard.  I also heard that it takes a certain amount of time for a habit to form.  I was hoping it would be around now.. 4 weeks in.  I did not want to work out today.  Or yesterday.  Or the day before.  Tuesdays are my "calendar" days off.  Monday I was supposed to do cardio, but I thought, "ehh, I'll just do it Tuesday, on my usual day off."  Well, I didn't.  So I went two whole days without working out.  That's the first in 4 weeks.  I know I shouldn't beat myself up over it, so I didn't.  I literally made myself work out today though.  I dreaded the work out.  I texted the boyfriend and said just that, "I dread working out :("  He wrote back, "you will feel better."  I got it after I worked out.  :)  This morning I kept telling myself, "I'll workout and then I'll blog about how I didn't want to work out."  Boring.

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But I'm going to be honest... today was the first time in weeks that I really felt like I don't want to work out anymore, as in.. ever again.  I REALLY dreaded changing my pants into shorts... I already had the sports bra on.. just kept the long sleeve CoopLoop shirt on.  Then I hit "play."  I really wanted the 2 year old to be asleep, but there was no luck on my side for that one.  But hey, he's asleep now.. snoring away:

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I can't give up.  I can never give up.  Nope...  So what do I do to hold myself even more accountable?  More than doing the positive self talk.. because let's face it... actions speak louder than words... I sign up for really *dumb* things.  I say dumb right now because I'm thinking in my head, "now why would I sign up for a 200 mile relay race?"  Yeah, you read that.  I SIGNED UP FOR A 200 MILE RELAY RACE.  Relay is the key-word.  Thank goodness.  Which means, I'll run 3 legs of it over a 2 day period with no sleep.  I joined a team out of Albany and will be traveling to Cape Cod Mother's Day weekend to compete in this challenge.  The rest of my clan will meet me there on Saturday.. at the finish line and we will spend the rest of the weekend on the Cape and relaxing.  :) 

Ragnar Relay Series

And then I am going to do another 200 mile relay race in September.  This one going from Lake George to Lake Placid.  And I'll then earn the double medal:

The only other race I am signed up for at this point is the Spartan Sprint.  The boyfriend and I hope to also do the Super and Beast to earn our Trifecta in 2014.  I'm sure most of you are thinking, "ugh what?"  So here's the link:

Spartan Trifecta

The only reason we are not signed up for any other races is due to a lack in funds.  It's expensive, adds up and we just cannot justify it right now.

However, that should change REAL soon.  I have been credentialed with at least one insurance company... so I am that much closer to being in private practice, whoop whoop!:)

And I have a whole lot of races that I want to sign up for... !! 

Anyways, back to the habits forming.  It's crazy how so much of our not wanting to exercise is in our heads.  Crazy I tell ya.  My thoughts this morning:

* I don't want to get sweaty
* It's going to suck because I hate push ups
* I just want to weigh myself

Okay.  So then I had to change those thoughts around:

* Sweating is fat crying
* Push ups suck because they work
* What the eff for?!  You look good, you feel great.. you wore leggings the other day and leggings aren't pants. 
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*Don't mind the mess behind me.. it's not mine...* I need a mirror in my bedroom*

Yeah, those leggings?  Freaking comfortable.  Check out: for some super awesome $15 leggings.  Again, another Instagram motivation.

I knew I wasn't going to get much else done today.. so I did me.  And I feel great. 

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