Friday, November 1, 2013


No way, no how do I meaningfully allow for people to impact my mood, my hopes, my dreams and my desires.  This blog is coming to you from a non-working social worker.  That will be a whole other rant some other day as to why I am not working at this present moment.  Wait, not working?  Simply because I don't obtain a pay check I am not working?!  Psshh, puh-lease.  I have never worked my ass off... quite so literally, than I have these days!  Yup... from fat-so to fit-so with a few jealous, annoyed people in between with a two year old always around and a five year old here half of the time... as well as two teenaged girls who I have to be completely mindful of in that my behaviors impact their perception of adult women.

Sooo... guess what?!  There will be no direction to this blog.  I'll write/type whatever comes off my pretty little fingers.  And they are quite little.  You should see the size of my pinky.  It's really not normal. 

Anyways.  I started my weight-loss journey at no particular time.  It's always been one fad after another, followed up with one excuse after another.  These days it's none of that.  Why?  Because they aren't days anymore.  It's one day a time.  When that's too much for me... it's one moment at a time.  Even then those become overwhelming, so I just do one second to one second.  That seems to help.  Minutes to minutes can be too long; a microwave minute, a Shaun T minute, a Jillian Michael's Minute.. a man's minute (6 months later...).

Especially with weight lifting.  Wait.  Weight lifting?  But you're a girl.  Oh really?  I didn't know those with vaginas can't lift weights... but they can.  And heavily at that.  Without...WITHOUT...getting bulky.  Get this, if you burn what you put in your pie hole, you won't bulk. You will bulk if you eat more than you burn.  I call that getting fat though.  At times I will want to bulk.  Why?  To turn it into muscle.  Bulk and then shred and see what lovely little surprises are underneath that "bulk."  Someday.  I am not quite there yet.

Back to the "no-way"... so.. I was inspired to write this blog to hold me accountable and for inspiration from followers... I might have them someday... and I feel like I already do, somewhat.  I posted a rant on Facebook earlier today because there are some negative people that I am "friends" with on there.  I put that lightly.  And in that rant, I found my true supporters and inspiration, as well as maybe some followers.  Followers are cool.. the right kind anyway.  I follow lots of people on Instagram.  That's also where I get my inspiration.  Some may feel that I am little weird or might "bat for the other team" considering what I follow on that.  To me it's girl-crushes... someone I strive to look like or find inspiration and motivation within..someone I could be really good friends with.  Just don't look over my shoulder if I am checking Instagram or Facebook, unless, of course, you are like me and don't find a half naked body as having to be sexual.  Nope.

The other part of "no-weigh".. I am not weighing myself, for a MONTH.  The month of November.  Nope.  I am going to make Jeff (the boyfriend) hide it on me tonight when he gets home from work.  There's no reason for it.  I want to see if I can do it.  That scale is stupid and soooo inaccurate.  What is accurate are pictures.  Pictures such as these:

July 27, 2013.  No idea how much I weigh.. but beginning to be more mindful of eating and working out.  Nothing really consistent.  That was just a couple of weeks after running the 1st 15k of my life.  :)  The Boilermaker 2013.  I'll write more about running in another blog.

Yesterday: 146.7 pounds.  And my peace-out to all my of Cub-scouts.  Those that need not support me or get offended by my posts need not to be in my life any longer.  See ya.... don't wanna be ya...


Today.  The beginning of a new beginning.  Posting this and being held accountable by all of you.  It is what it is. 

... and here it goes.  "Publish."

1 comment:

  1. You go Girl!! So proud of what you are accomplishing and yes, you are an inspiration to some of us out here! I walk (almost) everyday, have been eating better and have lost 47 pounds since January 15!! My Nike tracker says 529.6 miles to date. I feel better, look better and have a sense of peace that had been missing for a while. And the job you have of raising those two beautiful boys is the BEST job you could ever hope for. Keep up the great work!! :-D
